Spotted: Purple Crayon noticeboard on Elm St

Purple Crayon noticeboard in full.

The Purple Crayon's noticeboard outside of the postal station at the corner of Elm & High St is ingenious. It exemplifies the best qualities of a successful poster: it is simple, eye-catching, and memorable, and it directs the viewer to action. Even a viewer unfamiliar with the story of the purple crayon understands that something about this crayon is related to improvisation. The inelegant lettering enhances the unstudied, childlike effect of the poster -- appropriate, given the improv group's namesake. The poster is a living example of the graphic and conceptual design principle "less is more."

Purple Crayon noticeboard in situ.

The Purple Crayon's website landing page.

The Purple Crayon's website landing page is also wonderfully minimalist. See it for yourself, and be sure to catch their improv comedy shows on and beyond campus!